Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mother’s Day…has to be one of my favorite days…but then again to me Mother’s Day is everyday. I was pretty much raised by my mom, she took on the roll of father and mother in my life and did beautifully. Those who have met my mom instantly get that warm feeling about her and over time they even start calling her mom. I am so thankful to have my mom as my best friend, she has always made me feel like I can come and talk to her about anything. Sure, there are a lot of decisions I made that she probably told me not to do but when it came around to hitting me in the face she has always been there to help me and tell me everything was going to be okay. To me obviously my mom is everything a mom should be someone you can come to, cry to, and just be filled with unconditional love. I have a mother who has made me her everything and continues do so and it is such an amazing feeling. Sure, we can bud heads sometimes but at the end of the day something my grandmother (my mom’s mom) told us you should never go to bed mad ever! So on another very special Mother’s Day I created a cartoon version of my mom (which she loved); her passion is gardening and she loves butterflies. I only pray and wish to someday be the mother she has been. I love you mommy!!

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