Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hippo In Love Introduction

This past Fall Semester for my Motion Graphics class we had to create a introduction to a tv show and well I choose my Hippo In Love cartoon. The program I used was Adobe After Effects, it was a very challenging class but I did enjoy it and glad my project turned out the way it did :)

Song By: Michael Buble "L.O.V.E"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our Animal

For my character and design class we had to pick an animal and creat it in 3 different designs: Realism, Dr. Suess, Sci-Fi, and Your Own Style. I used Adobe Illustrator CS3.

Friday, June 25, 2010

EHS Logo

I created this logo for my best friend Sarah Newton who has created a non-profit organization about Ending Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor; a modern-day form of slavery. It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. I hope many others will see how serious this problem is and how we need to act fast to end it. If you want to know how to be a part of this organization please check out her blog page EHS: End Human Sales

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I created this Zine for my Story Writing Class and it was a representation of both of my stories; one was about true love finding you and the other one was about a girl who lands a job as a personal assistant to a Top Notch Magazine CEO and its the ups and downs of what comes with the job.

Mother’s Day…has to be one of my favorite days…but then again to me Mother’s Day is everyday. I was pretty much raised by my mom, she took on the roll of father and mother in my life and did beautifully. Those who have met my mom instantly get that warm feeling about her and over time they even start calling her mom. I am so thankful to have my mom as my best friend, she has always made me feel like I can come and talk to her about anything. Sure, there are a lot of decisions I made that she probably told me not to do but when it came around to hitting me in the face she has always been there to help me and tell me everything was going to be okay. To me obviously my mom is everything a mom should be someone you can come to, cry to, and just be filled with unconditional love. I have a mother who has made me her everything and continues do so and it is such an amazing feeling. Sure, we can bud heads sometimes but at the end of the day something my grandmother (my mom’s mom) told us you should never go to bed mad ever! So on another very special Mother’s Day I created a cartoon version of my mom (which she loved); her passion is gardening and she loves butterflies. I only pray and wish to someday be the mother she has been. I love you mommy!!

So I am in my Outsider Art Class and well if you dont know what that is it’s basically Psychology and Art mixed together (in my opinion). It may sound interesting but its not its quite confusing…so what do I do when I am not oh so entertained in my class I create my own art…so I just decided to create my own Princess Jasmine on my favorite program Adobe Illustrator! Enjoy…

I am super excited about this semester of school! Reason being is currently I am a 3D Modeling Class and I found out today that my little comic book story “The Lonely Panda” can actually come to life!! You see this story has been with me since the 6th Grade when I created the 2D Animation of it in my Summer School Class of Animation. This story is very dear to me and I have used it for many of my previous projects. I have dreamt of making it 3D and now I am finally going to get the chance too!! And maybe someday my kids will be watching it on the big screen!!! **CROSSING FINGERS**

My Pirate Money

I created this money for my digital illustration class last semester and I had so much fun doing so. As many know I am obessed with Johnny Depp and of course Pirates of the Carribean; so this was more fun then work. I am pretty proud of myself and I hope to do more stuff like this in the future :)